
The photo was taken close to midnight: The sun does not set at all in the summer.

Lokalität / Fundort

Inari, Finland




The photo was taken close to midnight: The sun does not set at all in the summer.

Mittsommer Foto

Mittsommer Foto
Midsummer night © Biopix: A Neumann
Lokalität / Fundort
Inari, Finland
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Mittsommer Foto 60911

Zugriffe seit August 2003: 1.005.741.968

Ostseegarnele (Palaemon adspersus) Wanderratte (Rattus norvegicus) Gewöhnlicher Frauenschuh (Cypripedium calceolus) Europäischer Hummer (Homarus gammarus) Winter Knoblauchsrauke (Alliaria petiolata) Spiegelfleck-Dickkopffalter (Heteropterus morpheus) Frühe Heidelibelle (Sympetrum fonscolombii)

BioPix - Naturfotos/Bilder