
Ice fishing marathon on the Bothnian Bay close to Oulu. Since it is so cold, people use small cabins for protection while fishing (they have holes in the floor) ..

Lokalität / Fundort

Oulu, Finland




Ice fishing marathon on the Bothnian Bay close to Oulu. Since it is so cold, people use small cabins for protection while fishing (they have holes in the floor) ..

Oulu Foto

Oulu Foto
Oulu © Biopix: A Neumann
Lokalität / Fundort
Oulu, Finland
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Oulu Foto 71655
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Oulu Foto 71652
Oulu Foto 71651
Oulu Foto 71650

Zugriffe seit August 2003: 1.018.635.211

Frühlings-Greiskraut (Senecio vernalis) Heide-Schlafmoos (Hypnum jutlandicum) Bach-Kurzbüchsenmoos (Brachythecium rivulare) Lockerblütiges Rispengras (Poa remota) Danaus genutia Gewöhnlicher Schildwasserhahnenfuß (Ranunculus peltatus ssp. peltatus) Hypera meles Plectrocnemia conspersa

BioPix - Naturfotos/Bilder